Symposium on “Social Ecology: Research for a Sustainable Future”
An event of the Institute of Social Ecology of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, as part of the “Be Open – Science and Society Festival” organized by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The symposium took place at the 10. September 2018 in Vienna.
Marina Fischer-Kowalski is a pioneer of interdisciplinary environmental and sustainability research. Her mission has always been to bridge the gap between the social and the natural sciences. In her presentation Marina Fischer-Kowalski presented a brief survey of socio-ecological research at the Institute of Social Ecology (SEC). Starting with the theoretical and conceptual backbone of the research field, she then elaborated on the two case studies about the Nicobar Islands in India and Samothraki in Greece. The presentation concluded with a global perspective on sustainable development and the contributions of Social Ecology for a better understanding of past and current trajectories.
As part of this symposium, the International Society of Industrial Ecology (ISIE) awarded Marina Fischer-Kowalski the Society Prize for her extraordinary achievements. The podium guests discussed new ways to promote sustainability and interdisciplinarity in basic research.
Podium guests:
- Marina Fischer-Kowalski (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- Edgar Hertwich (President of ISIE, Yale University)
- Klement Tockner (President of the Austrian Science Fund FWF)
- Helga Weisz (Humboldt University Berlin)
- Uwe Schneidewind (President of Wuppertal Institute, University of Wuppertal)
More details can be found here