Zathay Social Cooperative focuses on the promotion of Sustainable development as a new but in truth ancient paradigm and the implementation of education for Sustainable development. Zathay is a formal partner of the wide “Sustainable Samothraki” project as a model of sustainable social entrepreneurship and is involved in various aspects of the project.
Its members participate in educational seminars about sustainability, international networking forums and cooperative conferences, following e-courses and youthworking mobility trainings.
Intercurtural youth exchange programmes
The Cooperative completes in summer 2017 a three year intercurtural youth exchange phase of the project EWOCA3 (+) for everyone .
In 2015 a partnership between “Interkurturelles Nezwerk” from Neuruppin-Germany, “Decodanse” from Sete-France and “Zathay” from Samothraki-Greece was formed in order to complete three workcamp projects in each of the three countries in three years with funding received by the German Ministry for Family Affairs, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports, the Innovation Fund and the French-German cooperation youth office OFAJ organized by IBB.
During the project more than 30 youngsters came together in cooperation including participants, teamers and trainers in order to learn, exchange, work, play, explore and be culturaly enriched. The themes and concepts that the camps cultivated are :The idea of a united cooperating Europe, Refugees, Sustainable development and its everyday implementation, Environmental protection, Cultural diversity, Biodiversity, the importance of Wetlands, active citizenship, water management and marine litter, language animation, body language and non verbal expression through art and dance.
Recycle | Reuse | Repair | Refuse | Rethink
Another important goal of the cooperative is to promote the idea of recycling, reusing, repairing, reducing, refusing, rethinking our actions and upcycling. Aluminium cans, plastic bottles and plastic lids were three of the main campaigns the last three years that gave good results but much more to do ahead. Thousands of plastic lids were collected in cooperation with a solidarity movement that raises awareness and funds for people with movement disabilities. The collection of aluminum cans and the small income from its selling is invested to create more aluminum collecting spots.
At the same time we participate and organise clean ups of beaches and regions of the island, organise handcraft activities of up cycling, non formal educational activities for kids and youth of every age.