Olivia Lange
Master's thesis on the health system (ongoing)
Master's student at Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
Master's thesis on the health system (ongoing)
Master's student at Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
Master's thesis on sustainable tourism (2016)
Master's student at Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
Master's thesis on livestock (2014)
Master's degree, Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
master's thesis on land use/land cover (ongoing)
Master student at Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
Master's thesis on land cover/land use change (ongoing)
Master's student at Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
Master's thesis on food consumption (2016)
Master's degree, Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University, Austria
Master's thesis about forest regrowth (ongoing)
Tutor at the Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics (University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna)